29 November 2008
Inca o zi...infinit
Si a mai trecut o zi. Sunt acasa. E cald. E tarziu.
Nu e niciodata liniste. Cateva masini trec pe bulevard, se opresc in intersectie, calca zebra cu noile cauciucuri de iarna, accelereaza...viteza. In incapere ai vrea sa asculti doar intunericul, insa mai e perturbat si de sunetul muzicii de la calculator. "Incubus-Love hurts". As avea nevoie de acel moment de liniste deplina cand pot sa imi adun gandurile si sa le asez frumos in sertarele mintii mele dezordonate. Prea mult zgomot. Daca as opri muzica, nu as rezolva nimic. Zgomotul e de afara. E o jungla.
Mi-e dor de ceva. Acel ceva iar imi strabate mintea. Se pare ca nu am reusit sa il inregistrez in sectorul inimii, ramanand la fel de imprastiat in mintea mea ca si multe alte ganduri.
A trecut si ora 00:00. E 30 Noiembrie si e Sf. Andrei. La Multi Ani!
Amintirile din ziua trecuta cer inregistrare: Dimineata, tunsoarea, imprevizibil, nesiguranta, neputinta, resemnare, acceptare, televizor, filme, ploaie, gluga cu puf, maini reci, cupidon, pisica neagra, balti, adidasi albi, strazi pustii, lapovita iar, Plus, ciocolata, racoare, caldura, nepasare, trist, dor, "Sparks", "I miss you", Duffy, cuvinte, poze, alb&negru, somn, si lista continua la nesfarsit. Doar intr-o zi...
Acum imi voi continua lista de ganduri amestecare, incalcite si nesigure. Poate voi visa o portita de iesire din aceasta oboseala mintala. Am ochi de plimb... nu mai sunt verzi, sunt cenusii. Acum e doar ceata si a corpului muzica.
Noapte buna!
25 November 2008
20 de ani de viata...
A mai trecut un an.
De ziua ta iti dai seama cat de repede trece timpul.
Apoi iti amintesti toate clipele frumoase din ultimul an, dar si cele mai putin placute.
De ziua ta te bucuri si te intristezi.
De ziua ta iti dai seama cine tine la tine si cine nu.
De ziua ta iti dai seama cum apari in ochii celorlalti.
De ziua ta pui in balanta tot si descoperi pentru cine merita sa lupti.
De ziua ta te simti print sau cersetor.
De ziua ta visezi, iti pui dorinte si speri.
De ziua ta primesti cadouri.
De ziua ta zambesti sau plangi.
De ziua ta... nimic nu se intampla cum planuiesti, dar nu vei regreta.
De ziua ta cauti schimbarea.
De ziua ta ierti.
De ziua ta iubesti tot din jur.
De ziua ta esti altfel.
16 November 2008
Blestemul iubirii
Pierduta in trecut o inima tot bate
In incercarea grea de-a merge mai departe...
Tu te agati de sansa reinvierii sortii
Ce s-a nascut odata cu rasaritul noptii.
Departe e sclipirea lunii ce se-ascunde
Printre aburi reci ai unei vieti plapande...
Care asteapt-asemeni o umbra de speranta
Dar e indepartata la sapte luni distanta.
Eclipsa peste luna, e intuneric...noapte.
Iubiri pierdute-n stele isi dau suflu de moarte,
Lumina cea din inimi incearca sa razbata
Intunecimea vietii pentru un vis, odata.
Iubirea e blestemul ce da-a inimii culoare,
Cum un samurai lupta pentru a sa onoare,
Tu vei lupta vesnic sa mai traiesti o data
Cand tot in jur pierea pentru-o inima de fata.
In incercarea grea de-a merge mai departe...
Tu te agati de sansa reinvierii sortii
Ce s-a nascut odata cu rasaritul noptii.
Departe e sclipirea lunii ce se-ascunde
Printre aburi reci ai unei vieti plapande...
Care asteapt-asemeni o umbra de speranta
Dar e indepartata la sapte luni distanta.
Eclipsa peste luna, e intuneric...noapte.
Iubiri pierdute-n stele isi dau suflu de moarte,
Lumina cea din inimi incearca sa razbata
Intunecimea vietii pentru un vis, odata.
Iubirea e blestemul ce da-a inimii culoare,
Cum un samurai lupta pentru a sa onoare,
Tu vei lupta vesnic sa mai traiesti o data
Cand tot in jur pierea pentru-o inima de fata.
15 November 2008
13 November 2008
As vrea sa pot vedea pentru un moment ce ar putea fi peste 3 zile. Totul in jurul meu devine haotic si de neinteles. In acelasi timp insa, totul devine frumos si interesant. As vrea sa evadez pentru cateva zile din toata nebunia ce graviteaza in jurul meu, sa ma detasez de tot si toate... macar pentru 3 zile. Inmarmurita de gestul nebun al unui om imprevizibil, incerc sa respir aerul taios de toamna tarzie, insa parca si ceata apasatoare ma sufoca. Caut raspunsuri noi la intrebari vechi, caut alinare si intelegere in bratele destinului ce ma poarta in noapte. Ma gandesc sa repar ce a fost stricat candva, incerc sa plutesc pe o linie continua si sigura.
Ma simt ca pe podul peste Siret, undeva sus, taiata in bucati de vantul rece si puternic, deasupra tuturor si totusi cu picioarele pe pamant. Ma intorc cu fata spre soare sperand ca el sa ma indrume spre lumina. Inca mai bantui prin ceata densa... Din toate partile ma simt impinsa si nu pot vedea pe unde merg. Inevitabil e ca atunci cand te simti singur sa nu primesti nicio mana care sa te sustina pe drumul cel drept. Inevitabil e atunci cand ajungi la un punct favorabil, dar totul in jur incepe sa lucreze pentru sau impotriva ta.
Intrigi si suspine... Decizii luate in fuga, descoperind imprevizibilul. Dorinta de a merge mai departe sau de a te opri inainte de toate. O minune de culori si o combinatie reusita. Un buchet de trandafiri si o inima incarcata. Nesiguranta zilei de maine. Jocul varstei. Trecerea timpului. Dezamagiri si esecuri. Regrete si iertare. Ziua de azi si momentul cand te simti fericit. Cautarea comorii din sufletul tau si intregirea cheii spre ea. Imprevizibil. De neuitat. Rational. Speranta. Dorinta de a avea acel ceva...
12 November 2008
Show time
Muzica... Un val de cuvinte si sunete ce se impletesc in acorduri nebune. O piesa de teatru jucata de un actor bun... Un suflet normal... Un show fenomenal. Acelasi om, aceeasi formatie, mereu diferit, mereu fabulos... VAMA
[in curand imagini]
[in curand imagini]
10 November 2008
Stay with me
Brother and sister
Together will make it through
Some day a spirit will
Take you and guide you there
I know you've been hurtin'
But I've been waitin' to
Be there for you
And I'll be there just helpin'
You out whenever I can
Everybody's Free
Listen, this one's for all
The ones showin' love,
Its appreciated, life's crazy man, Listen to the lyrics
Stay with me don't fall asleep
Too soon, the angels can wait
For a moment
(They can wait for a moment)
Stay with me don't fall asleep
Too soon, the angels can wait
For a moment.
Listen, listen to the words
Don't cry for me when I'm gone
No point of wasted tears, our
Time will come one day and I'm
Just confronting my fears
Though it's not really a fear
It's more like a destiny/
Sometimes I sit and wonder -is this
Life really for me? 'Cos
I've seen, seen, heard, felt
I'm done. I hope ur proud of
Where I've come, you've seen me
Grow and helped me through,
And there is no repayin' you,
I'm here and I feel like I'm
Delayin' you, betrayin' you,
And when I'm gone I hope there's
Someone savin' you.
Stay with (I'm gonna stay, listen)
Me don't fall asleep too soon
(I'm gonna try not to) the angels
Can wait for a moment
(They can wait man, I swear)
Stay with me don't fall asleep
Too soon the angels
(I'm gonna hold on)
Can wait for a moment.
I wanna see your face
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
Every time I come home 'cos
I can't leave u like this
In this cold world alone,
But, in this life we live in,
Who knows when I'll be gone,
I don't wanna leave you
With 'what if's?, now I'm in for
Long (To the world)
There's too much to prove,
And Sometimes I wonder what I
Really have to lose, and then
I really see it's not all
About me, I wanna shield you from
This harsh, mad reality, it's real.
(Like, life's risky somemtimes,
But really, u gotta take your chances)
Stay with me, don't fall asleep
Too soon the angels can wait
For a moment(It's crazy look)
Stay with me don't fall asleep
Too soon, the angels can wait
For a moment.
(Listen to the words)
Verse 2
To the world,
Life's a game and we need to
Play it correct, do the
Right moves and don't get caught
Up in loadsa mess,
Be calm, don't be stressed,
Be sure to pass the test,
Stand your ground an don't let
Others put you to the test
Stay with me, don't fall asleep
Too soon the angels can wait
For a moment
07 November 2008
Un vant domol imi suiera prin vene.
Suspin privind a gandurilor semne
Ce mi se zbat in minte si privire
Si imi cutremur-a inimii-amagire.
Dorinta de necunoscut m-apasa;
Incerc sa nu uit cheile pe masa,
Caci de m-oi rataci-n adancuri
Sa-mi pot deschide pasnicele ganduri.
Un gand vrajmas imi da tarcoale inca
De cand tot ratacesc singura-n lunca;
Sa ma intorc intr-un trecut aparte
Care va invinge-a mea singuratate.
06 November 2008
1.If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
Leave him.
2. If you have a dream you'd like to come true, what is it?
If i tell you, i would have to kill you.
3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
Some "special friend" who hurt me badly.
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Donate 3/4 of them, and the rest will be for me.
5. Will your best friend always be your best friend?
What best friend? I have stopped believing in that for some time.
6. Have you ever been in love with 2 people at once?
Nop. Impossible.
7. How long would you wait for someone you really loved?
Until my love will fade for good.
8. If you won the lottery, would you quit the job?
If i would have a job that moment...no.
9. Who is on your celebrity top 5 ... you know, the ones ... that if you ever had an opportunity ...
Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Robert Hoffman, Will Smith and....Keanu Reeves
10. What sucks the life out of you?
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
I don't think that far...
12. What is your greatest fear?
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Open-minded, smart and...Saw addict ;))
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but pour?
Loved and inlove...
15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Close the stupid Alarm...
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
Yes, if is worth it.
17. Is your career vitally important to you?
No career right now. Not vitally.
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
I forgive, but never forget.
19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
I prefer being in a good relationship.
20. List 6 people to tag.
Ame, Andra, Diana, Solo, Adi, Adi
Leave him.
2. If you have a dream you'd like to come true, what is it?
If i tell you, i would have to kill you.
3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
Some "special friend" who hurt me badly.
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Donate 3/4 of them, and the rest will be for me.
5. Will your best friend always be your best friend?
What best friend? I have stopped believing in that for some time.
6. Have you ever been in love with 2 people at once?
Nop. Impossible.
7. How long would you wait for someone you really loved?
Until my love will fade for good.
8. If you won the lottery, would you quit the job?
If i would have a job that moment...no.
9. Who is on your celebrity top 5 ... you know, the ones ... that if you ever had an opportunity ...
Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Robert Hoffman, Will Smith and....Keanu Reeves
10. What sucks the life out of you?
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
I don't think that far...
12. What is your greatest fear?
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Open-minded, smart and...Saw addict ;))
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but pour?
Loved and inlove...
15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Close the stupid Alarm...
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
Yes, if is worth it.
17. Is your career vitally important to you?
No career right now. Not vitally.
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
I forgive, but never forget.
19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
I prefer being in a good relationship.
20. List 6 people to tag.
Ame, Andra, Diana, Solo, Adi, Adi
04 November 2008
Am o problema. Cunosc o imagine. E inca vie in mintea mea. O fotografie veche, desi mintea mea o reimprospateaza mereu... Iubesc sufletul din ea... sau poate nu.
Problema e ca nu traim intr-o lume ca cea din filmele de dragoste... Lupta crancena intre ratiune si suflet ma doboara.
Problema e ca nu e pe un singur plan,ci se revarsa in viata mea, in ochii mei, in mintea si inima mea zilnic, pe toate caile reale sau ireale.
Incerc sa domin ce nu e relevant pentru vremurile acestea, insa tot revin si se plimba nestingherite prin ochii mei, intiparite adanc intr-un spatiu din creier special creat pentru ele. Apar ca faclii arzatoare in noptile cu Luna noua.
In noapte se arata ca niste strigoi pe intuneric, adanc in visele ciudate despre Sburatori si demoni cu ochi de jar.
Problema este ca ma tin inchise intr-un glob de sticla alaturi de toate fotografiile si amintirile auditive. Inchid ochii si imi astup urechile, dar in zadar... Capul imi vajaie precum bate crivatul in noptile reci de ianuarie, spulberand zapada de pe marginea soselelor. Prizoniera in propria mea minte...glob a carui cheie e sufletul din mine.
Problema e simpla. Eu complic totul...
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