30 September 2008
Forever not yours
Hold me tight
This is a lonely night
And I've hurt you baby
Because you are my light
Make me strong
Just like you make me weak
When your hands reach out for me
Even in your sleep
I'll soon be gone now
Forever not yours
It won't be long now
Forever not yours
Memories they keep coming through
The good ones hurt more
Than the bad ones do
The days were high
And the nights were deep
And I miss you baby
I miss you baby
I'll soon be gone now
Forever not yours
It won't be long now
Forever not yours
I'll soon be gone now
It won't be long now
Forever not
Forever not yours
I'll soon be gone now
Forever not yours
It won't be long now
Forever not yours
I'll soon be gone now
Forever not yours
It won't be long now
Forever not yours...
28 September 2008
Asta vara
Iar mi-e murdară
De cerneală călimara
Sufletul mi-l spală
O ultimă octavă
În ochii tăi nu desluşesc taine
Eşti în palma mea fără haine
Da tu
Tu ai săpat adânc
Ai săpat mormânt
Tu Tu Tu ...
A câta oară mi-e murdară călimara
Într-un vers multă povară
Am pictat eu astă vară
Împietrite-n ape stele
În lumina lor sub ele
Eu aud cum din adâncuri
Vocea ei dă din mormântu-i
Am trecut prin pumni şi urlet
Ai plecat cu trup şi suflet
Uite aşa mi-am plâns cerneala
Uïte ce-a fost astă vară...

Acest text nu imi apartine, dar mi se pare destul de adevarat...
Paradoxul vremurilor noastre in istorie este ca avem cladiri mai mari, dar suflete mai mici; Autostrazi mai largi, dar minti mai inguste; Mai multa medicina, dar mai putina sanatate. Bem prea mult, fumam prea mult, Radem prea putin, Conducem prea repede, Ne enervam prea tare, Ne culcam prea tarziu, ne sculam prea obositi; Ne-am multiplicat averile, dar ne-am redus valorile. Vorbim prea mult, iubim prea rar si uram prea des. Am curatat aerul, dar am poluat solul. Am invatat sa ne grabim, dar nu si sa asteptam. Acestea sunt vremurile fast-food-urilor si digestiei incete; oamenilor mari si caracterelor meschine; profiturilor rapide si relatiilor superficiale. Acestea sunt vremurile in care avem excursii rapide, scutece de unica folosinta, moralitate de doi bani, aventuri de-o noapte, corpuri supraponderale si pastile care iti induc orice stare de la bucurie, la liniste, la moarte. Sunt niste vremuri in care sunt prea multe in vitrine, dar nimic in interior.
25 September 2008
Special needs
So close, but so far...
Remember me when you're the one who's silver screened
Remember me when you're the one you always dreamed
Remember me whenever noses start to bleed
Remember me, special needs
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Remember me when you clinch your movie deal
And think of me stuck in my chair that has four wheels
Remember me through flash photography and screams
Remember me, special dreams
Just 19 this sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Remember me...
Just 19 this sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Remember me...
Remember me when you're the one who's silver screened
Remember me when you're the one you always dreamed
Remember me whenever noses start to bleed
Remember me, special needs
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Remember me when you clinch your movie deal
And think of me stuck in my chair that has four wheels
Remember me through flash photography and screams
Remember me, special dreams
Just 19 this sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Remember me...
Just 19 this sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Just 19 and sucker's dream I guess I thought you had the flavour
Just 19 and dream obscene with six months off for bad behaviour
Remember me...
24 September 2008
In the light of the sun, is there anyone? Oh it has begun...
Oh dear you look so lost, eyes are red and tears are shed,
This world you must've crossed... you said...
You don't know me, you don't even care, oh yeah,
She said
You don't know me, and you don't wear my chains... oh yeah,
Essential yet appealed, carry all your thoughts across
An open field,
When flowers gaze at you... they're not the only ones who cry
When they see you
You said...
You don't know me, you don't even care, oh yeah,
She said
You don't know me, and you don't wear my chains... oh yeah,
She said I think I'll go to Boston...
I think I'll start a new life,
I think I'll start it over, where no one knows my name,
I'll get out of California, I'm tired of the weather,
I think I'll get a lover and fly em out to Spain...
I think I'll go to Boston,
I think that I'm just tired
I think I need a new town, to leave this all behind...
I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of the sunset,
I hear it's nice in the Summer, some snow would be nice... oh yeah,
Boston... where no one knows my name... yeah
Where no one knows my name...
Where no one knows my name...
Yeah Boston...
Where no one knows my name.

Viziunea unei nopti de primavara rece, rememorarea ultimei sperante, amintiri scoase din cutie si sterse de praf, toate se intampla intr-o minte de om. Dorinta revederii, visul retrairii, gandul reinvie. Cuvinte scrise doar pentru cine trebuie sa citeasca, vorbe auzite printre acorduri de chitara si o melodie veche. O plimbare haotica prin oras, de mana, si un ghid turistic abstract.
Neinteleasa? Poate.
Necunoscuta? Posibil.
Ilogica? Probabil.
Cei ce cunosc, vor intelege. Cei ce nu cunosc, pot interpreta...
22 September 2008
Song to say goodbye
A Song for all of you and me...
You are one of God's mistakes,
You crying, tragic waste of skin,
I'm well aware of how it aches ,
And you still won't let me in.
Now I'm breaking down your door,
To try and save your swollen face ,
Though I don't like you anymore,
You lying, trying waste of space..
Before our innocence was lost,
You were always one of those ,
Blessed with lucky sevens ,
And the voice that made me cry .
My Oh My.
You were mother nature's son ,
Someone to whom I could relate ,
Your needle and your damage done,
Remains a sordid twist of fate.
Now I'm trying to wake you up ,
To pull you from the liquid sky ,
Coz if I don't we'll both end up ,
With just your song to say goodbye.
My Oh My.
A song to say goodbye,
A song to say goodbye ,
A song to say...
Before our innocence was lost,
You were always one of those,
Blessed with lucky sevens,
And the voice that made me cry.
It's a song to say goodbye.
You are one of God's mistakes,
You crying, tragic waste of skin,
I'm well aware of how it aches ,
And you still won't let me in.
Now I'm breaking down your door,
To try and save your swollen face ,
Though I don't like you anymore,
You lying, trying waste of space..
Before our innocence was lost,
You were always one of those ,
Blessed with lucky sevens ,
And the voice that made me cry .
My Oh My.
You were mother nature's son ,
Someone to whom I could relate ,
Your needle and your damage done,
Remains a sordid twist of fate.
Now I'm trying to wake you up ,
To pull you from the liquid sky ,
Coz if I don't we'll both end up ,
With just your song to say goodbye.
My Oh My.
A song to say goodbye,
A song to say goodbye ,
A song to say...
Before our innocence was lost,
You were always one of those,
Blessed with lucky sevens,
And the voice that made me cry.
It's a song to say goodbye.

Inca o data ma napadeste acel sentiment de inutilitate. Privind in jur nu descopar nimic. Totul e sec, dar zgomotos. Nu descopar nicio placere in ceea ce vad, ce fac, ce spun, nicio pasiune. Am facut multe, dar prea putine bune, am vazut multe, dar prea putine frumoase. Ma intreb ce rost au toate? Poate e doar o pasa proasta, dar se repeta cam des si cam de multa vreme. Oricum, totul se intampla cu un motiv, si asta e cauzata de faptele mele din trecut. Suna aiurea. Se spune ca nu ar trebui sa regretam trecutul, si nu il regret. Stiu ca am facut multe greseli si ar trebui sa nu le mai repet.
E aiurea cand nu ai nimic in prezent atat de interesant sau incantator care sa iti distraga atentia dinspre trecut. Eu am ramas blocata cu mintile si sufletul undeva departe unde nu se poate ajunge si ma inchide. Nu pot vedea clar ce se petrece acum. Poate sunt lucruri extraordinare pe care le omit tocmai din cauza asta si imi dau seama prea tarziu ce am pierdut. Sau poate e doar o parere si nu era atat de benefic ce cred eu ca am pierdut. Nu poti sti pana nu incerci.
De cate cazaturi mai am nevoie oare sa ma trezesc din acest vis continuu? Nu spun ca e cosmar sau vis frumos, de fapt nu e chiar vis, e doar rememorarea unor evenimente trecute.
Toata treaba asta cu blog-ul as spune ca e temporara si asa cum a aparut, brusc si pe neasteptate, asa poate disparea. Nu spun ca va fi in curand sau peste 3 luni, sau poate cand implinesc 20 de ani, momentul va veni cel mai probabil cand voi cadea intr-o stare urata, cand sunt capabila de multe fapte necugetate. Acum nu va ganditi la dramatisme sau tragedii...Nu. Doar voi mai sterge o parte din trecut cu buretele, sau cu o simpla tasta, fiind constienta ca as putea regreta apoi fapta mea. Dar nu ma pot opri. Sau imi pot impune sa ma opresc?
Nu imi pot da seama ce sunt de fapt...ce vreau...ce sper...ce cred. Nu stiu ce am si ce am pierdut.
Ma intreb uneori, ce ar simti lumea daca as lipsi? Eu cred ca unii nici nu ar observa, unora nu le-am pasa, altora poate da.
Degeaba. Asta nu se va intampla. Sunt blocata aici.
Nimeni nu e nevoit sa citeasca ce scriu aici, pentru ca nici cei care conteaza si ar trebui sa fie interesati nu citesc. Am dedus asta pentru ca daca ar citi, s-ar simti atacati si si-ar spune parerea.
Tacerea nu e un raspuns, e doar indiferenta.
17 September 2008
Sweet about me
Ooh Watching Me, Hanging By A String This Time
Oh Easily The Climax Of A Perfect Life.
Ooh Watching Me, Hanging By A String This Time.
Oh Easily, My Smiles Worth A Hundred Lies.
If There’s Lessons To Be Learned, I’d Rather Get My Jamming Words In First Oh
Tell Ya Something That I’ve Found, That The Worlds A Better Place When It’s Upside Down Boy
If There’s Lessons To Be Learned, I’d Rather Get My Jamming Words In First Oh
When Your Playing With Desire, Don’t Come Running To My Place When It Burns Like Fire, Boy.
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah
Blue, Blue, Blue Waves They Crash
As Time Goes By, So Hard To Catch
And Too, Too Smooth, Ain’t All That
Why Don’t You Ride My Side Of The Tracks
If There’s Lessons To Be Learned, I’d Rather Get My Jamming Words In First Oh
Tell Ya Something That I’ve Found, That The Worlds A Better Place When It’s Upside Down Boy
If There’s Lessons To Be Learned, I’d Rather Get My Jamming Words In First Oh
When Your Playing With Desire, Don’t Come Running To My Place When It Burns Like Fire, Boy.
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me Yeah
Sweet About Me, Nothing Sweet About Me, Yeah
15 September 2008
Stepping Stone
I remember way back way back when
I said i never wanna see your face again
Cause you were loving yes you're loving somebody else
And I knew oh yes I knew I couldn't control myself
And now they bring you back into my life again
And so I put on a face just like your friend's
But I think you know oh yes you know whats going on
Cause the feelings in me oh yes in me are burning strong
But I will never be your stepping stone
Take it all or leave me alone
I will never be your stepping stone
I'm standing upright on my own
You used to call me up from time to time
And it would be so hard for me not to cross the line
The words of love layed on my lips just like a curse
And i knew oh yes i knew they'd only make it worse
And now you have the nerve to play along
Just like the maestro beats in a song
You got your kicks you get your kicks from playing me
And the less you give the more i want so foolishly
But I will never be your stepping stone
Take it all or leave me alone
I will never be your stepping stone
I'm standing upright on my own...
No I will never be your stepping stone
Take it all or leave me alone
I will never be your stepping stone
I'm standing upright on my own
Never be your stepping stone
Take it all or leave me alone
I will never be your stepping stone
I'm standing upright on my own...
13 September 2008
Ganduri fara noima

Uneori te gandesti ca esti singur, fara ajutor, fara sprijin. Uneori simti ca traiesti, avand pe cineva langa tine in momente grele sau momente frumoase. Cand ramai fara acel sprijin, te simti pierdut, ranit, mereu trist si te gandesti cu ce ai gresit. Ajungi sa te invinovatesti pentru tot si toate si nu accepti adevarul. Ajungi sa crezi ca fara acel sprijin, acea mica certitudine de iubire, nu vei reusi sa faci nimic bun mai departe, ca vei rani la randul tau tot mai multa lume si vei face multe greseli. Poate asta e cea mai mare greseala. Poate ca ajungi astfel sa pierzi adevaratul sprijin, nu reusesti sa vezi adevarata iubire, nu poti vedea in nimeni decat tradare si tristete. Poate ca de multe ori ai dreptate, insa nu trebuie sa pleci cu aceasta idee preconceputa, fixata adanc in minte. Tot va trebui sa te increzi in cineva la un moment dat. Nu poti trai in umbra toata viata. Suntem oameni, avem suflete, avem inima. Inima... simbol al iubirii. Totusi e o metafora. Inima este organul care ne tine in viata. Cand inima nu mai bate, inseamna ca ai murit. Poate de aceea se zice ca fara iubire nu putem trai cu adevarat. Insa iubirea e din suflet, nu din inima. Ea doar ne arata ca iubim. Dar in acelasi mod, batand cu putere, ne arata ca suntem speriati, nelinistiti. Oare toate au vreo legatura?
Mereu imi pun intrebari in legatura cu iubirea, prietenia, familie, ce trebuie sa facem, ce ne dorim sa facem.
Insa de cele mai multe ori ma intreb ce vreau cu adevarat.
De multe ori mintea de joaca feste si ne face sa credem in ceva, desi in sufletul nostru poate nu razbate acelasi lucru.
Uneori e prea tarziu sa spui cuiva ce ai de spus, sa il intrebi ce iti tulbura mintile sau sufletul, sa afli adevarul din tine.
As vrea sa pot.
Si totusi... se spune ca nu exista nu pot, ci nu vreau. Inca ma simt vinovata de multe din trecut si nu ma simt iertata. As vrea sa cer iertare unor persoane si sa ma ierte cu adevarat. Imi simt sufletul incarcat de tristetea lor. Insa mai exista teama ca daca as incerca sa fac asta, i-as pierde de tot. Mereu mi-a fost teama de singuratate, dar stii cum se zice: de ce ti-e frica nu scapi.
Acum simt ca nu sunt singura, ceva acolo ma vegheaza si incerc sa gasesc adevaratii ingeri ce se numesc prieteni.
Sentimentul de vinovatie ma inchide si preda cheia singuratatii. Totul e asemeni unui cerc vicios. Totul e de fapt asa de simplu, si simplitatea complica viata asta scurta. Poate daca am scutura de interpretari toate gesturile si vorbele, si am privi totul asa cum e, nu ne-am complica existenta atat de mult. Insa si asta e o problema. Se poate ajunge la o monotonie apasatoare si ne-ar scapa cateva aspecte. Cum e si faptul ca viata noastra e un maraton continuu in cautarea fericirii.
Nu caut acum decat intelegere...
Love Hurts
Love for music never hurts.
Tonight we drink to youth
And holding fast to truth
(I don't want to lose what I had as a boy.)
My heart still has a beat
But love is now a feat.
(As common as a cold day in LA.)
Sometimes when I'm alone, I wonder
Is there a spell that I am under
Keeping me from seeing the real thing?
Love hurts...
But sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
When it transcends the bad things.
Have a heart and try me,
'cause without love I won't survive.
I'm fettered and abused,
I stand naked and accused
(Should I surface this one man submarine?)
I only want the truth
So tonight we drink to youth!
(I'll never lose what I had as a boy.)
Sometimes when I'm alone I wonder
Is there a spell that I am under
Keeping me from seeing the real thing?
Love hurts...
But sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
When it transcends the bad things.
Have a heart and try me,
'cause without love I won't survive.
Tonight we drink to youth
And holding fast to truth
(I don't want to lose what I had as a boy.)
My heart still has a beat
But love is now a feat.
(As common as a cold day in LA.)
Sometimes when I'm alone, I wonder
Is there a spell that I am under
Keeping me from seeing the real thing?
Love hurts...
But sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
When it transcends the bad things.
Have a heart and try me,
'cause without love I won't survive.
I'm fettered and abused,
I stand naked and accused
(Should I surface this one man submarine?)
I only want the truth
So tonight we drink to youth!
(I'll never lose what I had as a boy.)
Sometimes when I'm alone I wonder
Is there a spell that I am under
Keeping me from seeing the real thing?
Love hurts...
But sometimes it's a good hurt
And it feels like I'm alive.
Love sings,
When it transcends the bad things.
Have a heart and try me,
'cause without love I won't survive.
11 September 2008
Me myself and I

Everything happenes for a reason.
10 September 2008
You're beautiful
My life is brilliant.
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Flying high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.
You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.
06 September 2008
Nothing else matters
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
and nothing else matters
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
and nothing else matters
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
but I know
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us, something new
Open mind for a different view
and nothing else matters
never cared for what they say
never cared for games they play
never cared for what they do
never cared for what they know
and I know
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No, nothing else matters...
04 September 2008
This time
...from the movie August Rush. See it!
Tonight the sky above
Reminds me of you, love
Walking through wintertime
Where the stars all shine
The angel on the stairs
Will tell you I was there
Under the front porch light
On a mystery night...
I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind
This time
The neon lights in bars
And headlights from the cars
Have started a symphony
Surrounding Me
The things I left behind
Have melted in my mind
And now there's a purity
Inside of me
I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind
This time
I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind
This time...
Tonight the sky above
Reminds me of you, love
Walking through wintertime
Where the stars all shine
The angel on the stairs
Will tell you I was there
Under the front porch light
On a mystery night...
I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind
This time
The neon lights in bars
And headlights from the cars
Have started a symphony
Surrounding Me
The things I left behind
Have melted in my mind
And now there's a purity
Inside of me
I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind
This time
I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind
This time...

Cuvinte fara rost opresc acest sarut,
Sarutul arzator al unui vis plapand...
Cuvinte ce amare imi irosesc avantul
Si rascolesc taios si luminand adancul.
As vrea sa ma trezesc acum...e in zadar si doare
Caci amintirea trista ce s-a trezit la viata
Din nou ea ma apasa...un vis,
O incantare pe ale mele buze fine,
O mangaiere dulce si calda de matase,
Un vis frumos, miracolul iubirii mele,
Iar amintirea e trecutul unui vechi blestem...
Voi da uitarii magia incantarii ce a fost
Si voi lasa un vis sa-mi lumineze calea...
Trecutul s-a sfarsit, iar visul reinvie...
Incepe cu un sarut!
03 September 2008
Pentru suflete

O silueta pe culoar apare,
Un suflet pur...apoi dispare.
Regreti o pierdere-absoluta,
Dar o poti castiga prin lupta.
Incearca sa privesti spre soare,
Sa poti vedea cat e de mare!
Atat de mare e speranta data
Cand sufletul tau pur se-arata.
Nu il detii, caci apartine
Unei iubiri care te tine
Legat mereu de un trecut incert
Ce se joaca cu acest suflet inocent.
Daca-l salvezi tu vei vedea
Cam cat de mare iti e inima,
Si-abia atunci tu vei afla
Ce suflet cald tu vei avea.
If God will send his Angels
Nobody else here baby
No one here to blame
No one to point the finger
Its just you and me and the rain
Nobody made you do it
No one put words in your mouth
Nobody here taking orders
When love took a train heading south
Its the blind leading the blond
Its the stuff, its the stuff of country songs
Hey if God will send his angels
And if God will send a sign
And if God will send his angels
Would everything be alright
God has got his phone off the hook, babe
Would he even pick up if he could
Its been a while since we saw that child
Hanging round this neighbourhood
You see his mother dealing in a doorway
See father christmas with a begging bowl
Jesus sisters eyes are a blister
The high street never looked so low
Its the blind leading the blond
Its the cops collecting for the cons
So where is the hope and where is the faith
And the love...whats that you say to me
Does love...light up your christmas tree
The next minute youre blowing a fuse
And the cartoon network turns into the news
If God will send his angels
And if God will send a sign
And if God will send his angels
Where do we go
Where do we go
Jesus never let me down
You know jesus used to show me the score
Then they put jesus in show business
Now its hard to get in the door
Its the stuff, its the stuff of country songs
But I guess it was something to go on
If God will send his angels
I sure could use them here right now
Well if God would send his angels
I dont want to lie
(where do we go)
I dont want to have a feel for the song
And I want to love, and i...
(where do we go)
And I want to feel alone
02 September 2008
Look after you
If I don't say this now I will surely break
As I'm leaving the one I want to take
Forgive the urgency but hurry up and wait
My heart has started to separate
Oh, oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
I'll look after you
There now, steady love, so few come and don't go
Will you won't you, be the one I always know
When I'm losing my control, the city spins around
You're the only one who knows, you slow it down
Oh, oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
I'll look after you
And I'll look after you...
If ever there was a doubt
My love she leans into me
This most assuredly counts
She says most assuredly
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Be my baby
I'll look after you
After you...
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh oh oh...
It's always have and never hold
You've begun to feel like home
What's mine is yours to leave or take
What's mine is yours to make your own
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Be my baby
Oh, oh, oh...

O lacrima invaluita-n sare
S-a preschimbat acum in mare
Si ne ineaca in tristete
Ce ne arata doua fete.
O fata-i a tristetii pure,
Pirduta in cuvinte dure,
Iar alta-i a nefericirii,
Tristete a nenorocirii.
Degeaba ne-necam amarul...
Mai bine ridicam paharul
Si bem licoarea fericirii
Ce ne trimite nemuririi.
Un pas spre culmi nebanuite,
Dispar tristeti nefericite
Si se arata rasaritul
Ce ne prezinta infinitul.
Un soare alb a rasarit,
Speranta iarasi a venit...
In mare s-a-necat trecutul
Si ne-a ramas necunoscutul.
01 September 2008
And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight
And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything seems like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know your alive
And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
Viata ca vis

O viata am si o traiesc,
Traiesc in vis si ma trezesc
Si vad o viata-nselatoare
Care tot rataceste-n soare.
Si soarele apune iara.
E tarziu si este vara,
Eu inca ratacesc in umbre
Si ma ascund sa ma scufunde.
Ajung in lumea cea de vise,
Toate dispar si-acum par stinse...
Revin la viata; ma trezesc,
In lumea asta innebunesc.
O noua zi a rasarit,
Un strop de viata ratacit
Incearca sa-si croiasca drum,
Dar e invaluit in fum.
Fum arzator, fum de tutun,
Fum al unui vis nebun...
Viata e doar un vis desert,
Dar o iubesc si o respect.
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