
28 January 2009

Marea sau Muntele?

Valuri line invaluie plaja. Marea albastra pare adormita. Alge verzi scalda nisipul rece, mangaindu-l ca mana calda a unei inimi indragostite. Iertarea e grea si motivele raman intiparite in suflet ca pasii ratacitori pe plaja goala. Inca e frig, dar soarele imbie chipul tau ravasit cu placuta caldura. Briza adie usor schimbandu-si drumul dinspre mare si se joaca in parul tau ca un copil.

Pustiu. Doar tu si marea. Prin minte imi alearga imagini razvratite, trecute in amintire ce vor sa invinga sufletul meu slab si sa ma copleseasca. Mi-e dor. Te vad pe mal, atat de aproape si ma pot misca. Asemeni regelui in sah-mat, sunt prinsa in cusca propriei mele ratiuni. E doar o lupta intre doua aspecte ale spiritului meu. Inima cauta iesire, dar ratiunea e mai puternica si a terminat jocul. As vrea sa merg pe urmele pasilor tai, incercand sa nu trezesc marea, sa ma opresc in spatele tau si sa-ti simt privirea trista si calda intoarcandu-se spre inima mea. Doar un vis...un gand...ce a disparut odata cu ultimul val. Am parasit trecutul, te-am parasit pe tine, privindu-te singur in marea de nisip, si m-am intors spre realitate. Am parasit marea.

Marea e prea trista iarna. Acum aleg calea muntilor greoi, in incercarea de-a atinge culmi nebanuite.

27 January 2009

Aspecte in noapte...Bucuresti

Tentativa de cuvinte...

Un nume simplu dintr-un cant trecut
rasuna de pe buzele-ti de ceara;
si vocea ta ce sufla cu un ton placut
imi taie inima si o face sa piara.

Doar un cosmar pierdut prin vise dulci
deschide ochii-mi spre a lumii fata
ce crunta se arata prin ochii mei cei mici...
falsa si luna noua ce se-nalta.

Numele e-al meu; iar de pe buzele-ti de gheata
suna apasa.
Ma-ngrop acum in propria-mi tacere,
iar amintirea ta s-a stins ca o parere.

07 January 2009

Broken Strings

O piesa care mie imi place foarte mult:

James Morrison :
Let me hold you for the last time
It`s the last chance to feel again
But you broke me
Now I can`t feel anything

When I love you
It`s so untrue
I can`t even convince myself
When I`m speaking
It`s the voice of someone else

Oh it tears me up
I tried to hold on but it hurts too much
I tried to forgive but it`s not enough
To make it all Ok

You can`t play on broken strings
You can`t feel anything
That your heart don`t want to feel
I can`t tell you something that ain`t real

Oh the truth hurts
A lie`s worse
I can`t like it anymore
And I love you a little less than before

Nelly Furtado :
Oh what are we doing
We are turning into dust
Playing house in the ruins of us

Both :
Running back through the fire
When there`s nothing left to save
It`s like chasing the very last train
When it`s too late (Too late)

Oh it tears me up
I tried to hold on but it hurts too much
I tried to forgive but it`s not enough
To make it all Ok

You can`t play on broken strings
You can`t feel anything
That your heart don`t want to feel
I can`t tell you something that ain`t real

Oh the truth hurts
A lie`s worse
I can`t like it anymore
And I love you a little less than before

But we`re running through the fire
When there`s nothing left to say
It`s like chasing the very last train
When we both know it`s too late (Too late)

You can`t play our broken strings
You can`t feel anything
That your heart don`t want to feel
I can`t tell you something that ain`t real

Oh the truth hurts
And a lie`s worse
I can`t like it anymore
And I love you a little less than before
Oh and I love you a little less than before

Let me hold you for the last time
It`s the last change to feel agaïn ...

06 January 2009

Un nou an...

Cateva schimbari... am ajuns la o varsta rotunda, am trecut in alt an, m-am certat si impacat cu prieteni sau amici, m-am depasit pe mine de Revelion.
Neschimbat...tot singura de revelion, dar inconjurata de prieteni.:)
Anul pot spune ca l-am inceput intr-un mod "dubios". Valul de frig ce a coborat asupra noastra parca mi-a inghetat gandurile negre si mi-a deschis ochii. Merg pe gheata, dar merg inainte.
Am cateva asteptari din partea mea in acest an. Sper sa reusesc.
Mereu speranta moare ultima.