Mi-am amintit o noapte de vara...ora 2...cand inca eram acasa...trezita din somnul agitat de un apel nocturn..de la un numar sters candva din agenda, insa foarte familiar...o revenire la fericirea distrusa ce a fost odata. Oare de ce mi-am amintit asta acum? De ce acel simplu moment?
Hope for the Hopeless
Titlu inspirat de 'A Fine Frenzy'
03 December 2011
Camera cu amintiri
Tarziu...nu am mai scris de mult..insa un film, urmat de un simplu cuvant...o intamplare...mi-a deschis Cutia Pandorei. Acel fisier inchis cu lacat si ascuns undeva adanc in mintea mea a fost scuturat de praf pentru o clipa...si lacatul ruginit de ani s-a spart....
Mi-am amintit o noapte de vara...ora 2...cand inca eram acasa...trezita din somnul agitat de un apel nocturn..de la un numar sters candva din agenda, insa foarte familiar...o revenire la fericirea distrusa ce a fost odata. Oare de ce mi-am amintit asta acum? De ce acel simplu moment?
Un val de tristete mi s-a asternut pe chip acum...vreau sa scap de el...asa ca scriu aceste randuri...sau poate o sa urc pe un munte, o sa caut un copac...o sa fac o scobitura in scoarta lui...o sa soptesc secretul acolo si apoi il acopar cu pamant....pentru a fi doar intre mine si el. Astfel nimeni nu il va afla. Atat de tarziu si totusi...totul e clar in mintea mea...valuri furtunoase de amintiri se revarsa peste maluri....inghit pamantul...o noapte de carti....porunci traznite....primele pahare de tequila...ora 4 dimineata....ora 11....prea tarziu..sau prea devreme...ma macina amintirea. Si totusi nu e nimic, decat praf de stele calatoare...stele care mor...
Mi-am amintit o noapte de vara...ora 2...cand inca eram acasa...trezita din somnul agitat de un apel nocturn..de la un numar sters candva din agenda, insa foarte familiar...o revenire la fericirea distrusa ce a fost odata. Oare de ce mi-am amintit asta acum? De ce acel simplu moment?
03 September 2011
I'll be there for you (Bon Jovi)
I guess this time you're really leaving
I heard your suitcase say goodbye
Well as my broken heart lies bleeding
You say true love, it's suicide
You say you've cried a thousand rivers
And now you're swimming for the shore
You left me drowning in my tears
And you won't save me anymore
I pray to God you'll give me one more chance, girl
I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you
I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you
I know you know we're had some good times
Now they have their own hiding place
I can't promise you tomorrow
But I can't buy back yesterday
And Baby you know my hands are dirty
But I wanted to be your valentine
I'll be the water when you get thirsty, baby
When you get drunk, I'll be the wine
I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you
I'd live and I'd die for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you
And I wasn't there when you were happy
I wasn't there when you were down
I didn't mean to miss your birthday, baby
I wish I'd seen you blow those candles out
I'll be there for you
These five words I swear to you
When you breathe I want to be the air for you
I'll be there for you
I'd live and I'd dïe for you
Steal the sun from the sky for you
Words can't say what a love can do
I'll be there for you
Dor de doi
Ratacite ganduri alearga peste valuri,
Prin nuferi de cristal eu ma ascund de tine...
Plutind in barca goala ma-ndepartez de maluri;
Te caut, te resping, te vreau iar langa mine.
Eu te privesc cuminte cum tu respiri adanc
In somnul singuratic, in vraja cufundat,
Te mangaie incet sarutul tremurand
Ca lacrima de roua pe-un trandafir curat.
Tresari visandu-mi mana-n mana ta tinand,
Iara eu picur dorul de tine-n calda noapte...
Tu nu mai esti aici...dar tu mereu in gand,
Luandu-ma in brate, imi spui povesti in soapte.
Dar ma trezesc in noapte in aerul polar,
Tremur sub ochii Lunii, in veac singuratate...
Tanjesc in intuneric dupa sarut Solar...
Plecand din asta lume, de tine mai aproape.
Prin nuferi de cristal eu ma ascund de tine...
Plutind in barca goala ma-ndepartez de maluri;
Te caut, te resping, te vreau iar langa mine.
Eu te privesc cuminte cum tu respiri adanc
In somnul singuratic, in vraja cufundat,
Te mangaie incet sarutul tremurand
Ca lacrima de roua pe-un trandafir curat.
Tresari visandu-mi mana-n mana ta tinand,
Iara eu picur dorul de tine-n calda noapte...
Tu nu mai esti aici...dar tu mereu in gand,
Luandu-ma in brate, imi spui povesti in soapte.
Dar ma trezesc in noapte in aerul polar,
Tremur sub ochii Lunii, in veac singuratate...
Tanjesc in intuneric dupa sarut Solar...
Plecand din asta lume, de tine mai aproape.
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